Connie’s Camino

“This very special trip is one I’ll never forget”

In April a small group of WalkingWomen walked the Camino Way – the Portuguese route. They began in the small Portuguese city of Porto to spend a few days getting ready. From Porto they went to Tui – a small village where their Camino began – 100km from Santiago de Compostela. To walk 100km of the Camino Way means you achieve your pilgrimage certification – a record for life along with all the wonderful memories you collect along the way.

This image was created by one of our walkers..

Portugal and Sapin

Many, many people long to do the Camino Way.

We offer a range of long distance hikes from the Laugavegur Trail in Iceland, The Sheep’s Head Way in Ireland, Hadrians Wall on the border across England and Scotland, the Lighthouse Way that touches the Camino and the Heart of Switzerland trek. We also go further to experience trails in India. We are always looking for trails a little off the beaten track and will continue to offer some of these longer distance adventures hoping to attract you. Let us now if you have a dream….

And now hear what Connie has to say about her Camino experience …

Portugal and Spain

A long-time reader of JourneyWoman  I recently discovered Walking Women, which inspired me to hike Camino de Santiago, a dream I’d had for 20+ years.  My dream began to be fulfilled when I joined a JourneyWoman Zoom Briefing about holidays for the over 50’s which included Ginny of Walking Women. Knowing that the trip would be fully vetted by JourneyWoman I quickly signed up.  

Walking Women communicated all information immediately about a small, women-only group pilgrimage led by an experienced guide at a very affordable price with good food, accommodations, and side-trips.  Having studied and thought about this trip for years, I was all in with WalkingWomen!

The Camino was amazing!

Our personable and welcoming expert led us through beautiful forests with babbling brooks, singing birds, and flashes of sunlight contrasting with shadows of green.  Organised coffee breaks and picnic lunches were a part of each day’s adventures.  Arriving at the awe-inspiring Cathedral in Santiago was a moving moment, as I realized that so many others had come this very spot for hundreds of years.  The sacredness of the site, the square filled with exhausted pilgrims and curious tourists, and the excitement of our group created a special moment in a dream come true.  

 Our group of six plus the guide, although connected before the trip through WhatsApp but knowing none, quickly became friends.  Joining a group of amazing, like-minded women was a highlight of the trip.  Conversation about books, other travels, best food choices, foot and sock issues, and more flowed around us and made the pilgrimage memorable.  

Other parts of the trip included delicious breakfasts, dinners, and soft beds for tired travelers in nice hotels, transportation to and from each day’s journey, arranged travel to and from the airport, and guide recommendations to off-the- path interesting sites.  

Walking Women provided an extraordinary trip and I highly recommend the company.  I am looking forward to selecting my next trip from the numerous Walking Women options.  

Thank you to Connie for sharing a little of her experience. Do get in touch if you would like to join us.

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